Daisypath Friendship tickers

Daisypath Friendship tickers

Welcome to our life!

Connor and I have been together since July 7, 2010. We've been through a lot of pain, and tough times. But, right now we are completely happy! :j Times are still rough every now and then. Our love is strong, and we can get through anything and everything.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Our Photography Business.

So, Connor with his brilliant mind, came up with an idea to make a photography and editing business! So, we grabbed a couple close friends, and at last "The Pixel Chisel" was made. We haven't done any actual shoots yet, but we have some waiting. And we are VERY excited! I hope that we can make this business work, because we need some money. I need a car and so does he.... :)

But, i think i'm really going to like this whole blogging thing... it'll make me feel better when i vent. Because then i'm not screaming at Connor over nothing..

So here we go!

Oh ya: www.thepixelchisel.net46.net